Children of our parish should attend formal religious education beginning in first grade and continuing through Confirmation. Attending each year will ensure that your child will be well prepared to complete their Sacraments of Initiation. You may register more than one child on one form.
Confirmation classes for 6th graders will culminate in Confirmation in Spring 2024 per the Diocese request. A student must have been with us or another RE program since 4th grade. Attend a year-long grade level RE class, and then have an additional 8 classes of Confirmation Preparation starting in January 2024.
FIRST RECONCILIATION/COMMUNION PREP CLASS: This course is for any student grade 3-6 looking to make First Reconciliation and/or First Communion. They must also be enrolled in their grade-appropriate class.
You may register for this class along with the grade-appropriate class on one form. Contact the office if you would like more information.
FIRST RECONCILIATION/COMMUNION PREP CLASS: Any SMS student grade 3-6 who have had one year of religion classes at SMS, another Catholic school or RE at a parish, looking to make First Reconciliation and/or First Communion.
FIRST RECONCILIATION/COMMUNION CLASS: Your 2nd grade religion class at Saint Mary School will include Reconciliation and Communion preparation throughout the year. In addition, there will be other/outside requirements & retreats from St. Mary Church, as this is where the Sacrament will be conferred.
CONFIRMATION CLASS: Your 6th grade religion classes at Saint Mary School will culminate in Confirmation this year, per the Diocese request. There will be 8 mandatory Confirmation Prep classes starting in January 2024. In addition, there will be other/outside requirements & retreats from St. Mary Church and the Bridgeport Diocese, as the Bishop is the one who confers the sacrament. Please contact us if you have not had one year of RE at either SMS, another Catholic school, or RE program.
March-May Schedule 2025
We are in the last stretch - ready for spring and sacraments!
Faith Formation Classes - Grades 1-6 & Sacramental Class with Mrs. Kent
Continue to follow the class schedule, we have off for Spring Break through Easter, April 13-20.
Communion Retreat
April 5 -
:00am-10:30am or 11:00 am-12:30pm (there will be a signup sent home)
Drop off student and then Parents return last 15 minutes (10:15am or 12:15pm)
Communion Practice
May 2
If you are part of the Tuesday classes or St Mary School - 4:30pm-5:45pm in the Church
If you are part of the Sunday or Thursday classes - 6:00pm-7:15pm in the Church
Drop off student then parents please return for the last 15 minutes (5:30pm or 7:00pm.)
First Communion
May 3
If you are part of the Tuesday classes or St Mary School - 10:00am
If you are part of the Sunday or Thursday classes - 12:00pm
(Sacramental Class with Mrs. Kent can come at 12:00pm please, unless coming with SMS.)
Confirmation Classes
Continue coming to Confirmation classes on Sunday evenings from 6pm-8pm.
Confirmation Retreat
March 19, 5pm-9pm at the school gym
Pizza dinner will be served
Confirmation Penance Service
April 29 - 6pm in the Church
Confirmation Practice
May 8 - 6pm in the Church
May 9 - 6pm in the church, students must arrive by 5:30pm and all sponsors & parents must be seated by 5:45 so Bishop Caggiano may address the congregation.
Parent Enrichment-During class time in Parish Hall
Sunday Classes-Sept 29, Dec. 8, Feb 2, Mar 30
Tuesday Classes-Oct 1, Dec 3, Feb 4, Apr 1
Thursday Classes- Sept. 26, Dec 5, Feb 6, & Apr 3
Parish Events
Eucharist Procession Oct 30 11:30-Church
Mary Through Art Dec. 3 7:00-Parish Hall
Cookies and Cocoa with St. Nick Dec 6 6:00 Parish Hall
Eucharistic Miracle Display March 7-17 Open All Day Parish Hall
Our Father-Line by Line with Father Corey March 18 6:30 Church
Lent Mission March 31, Apr 1, 2 6:30 Church
St. Mary Religious Education
24 Dodgingtown Road
Bethel, CT 06801
203-743-4557 * *