About Us

We are a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. Our parish mission is: 

​To lead all to Jesus, through Mary! ¡Llevar a todos a Jesús, a través de María!

Welcome! Bienvenidos!

Welcome to Saint Mary Parish in the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Beginning in 1882, the Catholic Church has served the needs of the people of Bethel from the Town Hall, to the Church on Greenwood Avenue, or our current Church on Dodgingtown Road. Being the only Catholic Church in the town of Bethel, our parish community reaches to the surrounding towns of Danbury, Brookfield, Newtown and Redding. St. Mary Parish Center includes a beautiful church seating 850 worshippers, a parish hall, an active and thriving school and rectory.

With the dedication of our school Principal Mr. Scott Smith, our Director of Religious Education Mary Ferri, our Music Director Michael Ferrari, our Plant Manager Paul Orsino, our Rectory Staff Kate Fitzgerald, Sue Dolan, Maggie Kent and Debbie Burke, our Deacons John DeRoin and Eric Keener and our Parochial Vicar Father Harry Prieto, we serve a vibrant, dynamic, faith-filled community that brings the message of the Gospel, the guidance of the Church, the grace of the Sacraments and the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to the world around us.

God Bless!
Father Corey Piccinino 

Bienvenidos a la Parroquia de Santa María en la Diócesis de Bridgeport, Connecticut.

A partir de 1882, la Iglesia Católica ha atendido las necesidades de la gente de Bethel desde el Ayuntamiento hasta la Iglesia en Greenwood Avenue o nuestra Iglesia actual en Dodgingtown Road. Al ser la única iglesia católica en el pueblo de Bethel, nuestra comunidad parroquial llega a los pueblos de los alrededores de Danbury, Brookfield, Newtown y Redding. El Centro Parroquial St. Mary incluye una hermosa iglesia con capacidad para 850 feligreses, un salón parroquial, una escuela y rectoría activa y próspera.

Con la dedicación del director de nuestra escuela, el Sr. Scott Smith, nuestra directora de educación religiosa Mary Ferri, nuestro director musical Michael Ferrari, nuestro gerente de planta Paul Orsino, nuestro personal de la rectoría Kate Fitzgerald, Sue Dolan, Maggie Kent y Debbie Burke, nuestros diáconos John DeRoin y Eric Keener y nuestro Vicario Parroquial Padre Harry Prieto, servimos a una comunidad vibrante, dinámica y llena de fe que trae el mensaje del Evangelio, la guía de la Iglesia, la gracia de los Sacramentos y el amor del Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo al mundo que nos rodea.

¡Dios los bendiga!

Your Parish Staff

Father Corey Piccinino


Deacon John DeRoin


Sue Dolan


Father Andrew LaFleur

Parochial Vicar

Mary Ferri

Director of Religious Education
Call Us

Debbie Burke

Business Manager

Deacon Eric Keener


Michael Ferrari

Music Director

Kate Fitgerald


Maggie Kent

Office Manager/RE


Leanna Hinger

Children's Choir
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