Join together in song, under the talented direction of our choir director. Sing as part of the choir during Sunday Mass and other special services. Cantors will lead Music during Mass and other services. Contact – Michael Ferrari – 860.424.7608
CHILDREN'S CHOIR contact Leanna Hinger at
Come share in the positive Christian fellowship & learn how you can better strengthen your personal faith journey. All Men’s Ministry Meetings are held on Saturday mornings in the Parish Center from 8:30am to 10am.
Contact Deacon Eric Keener at
A women’s ministry dedicated to offering a variety of activities for the women of the parish. The “Women of Faith” activities will encompass three areas: spiritual, fellowship and outreach.
Contact Caroline LaFleur at 203-300-1486 or
Bereavement Support Group is a prayerful experience of mutual support and comfort for those who are confronting the loss of a loved one. Meets monthly. If you will be attending for the first time, please contact the Rectory.
Contact – Rectory – 203.744.5777
ST. MARY BOOK GROUP welcomes all adults! “Spiritual reading has made many saints" (St. Josemaria Escriva).
Our next book is The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen. Explore the great parable of forgiveness through a masterpiece painting--this is a perfect read for your Lenten journey. We will meet on Wednesday April 16 at 7 pm in the Quiet Room.
Copies are available to borrow with your Library card, through Bibliomation or Or you can purchase a copy online from The Catholic Company or Amazon. (Note that the subtitles vary, but it is the same book.)
Contact - Rectory for more information 203-744-5777
-Adult Altar Acolytes
-Altar Servers
-Eucharistic Ministers
Contact - Rectory 203-744-5777
Keeping the Church and the Altar section clean.
Contact - Rectory 203-744-5777
Group of Men who serve as chaperones in the Dorothy Day overnight Shelter.
Contact - Mike Roberts – 203.743.2441
Emphasis on prayer and provides a source of hope to those feeling lost and distressed.
Contact - Maggie Kent 203-731-4738
Deana Chamberlain - 203-482-7149
Bakers called upon to supply baked goods for our different ministries and events. If interested, please call the main office at (203)744-5777.
Scripture Study - We'll explore bible studies that are designed to help you discover the relevant truth of Scripture and the tradition of the Catholic Church. Hopeful to share this experience once a week in person but also have an on-line version for those who need it, we will schedule 6-8 weeks at a time and advertise it well in advance. Please call the Rectory to get added to the list for information to participate, or if you are interested in leading a session. 203-744-5777
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me." Please sign up to be on our cooking-a-meal list for anytime we hear of those who are in need (example - Dorothy Day, Meals-on-Wheels, etc.)